Wednesday, March 9, 2011

To BMW or Not to BMW - that is the question

I bet you thought I meant BMW, as in German, gorgeous, and waaaaaay out of my price range. Well, you'd be wrong. I'm from Utah. Land of big families. Big, predominantly Morman families. I have nothing against Mormons, having many in my family and friend circle. I did, however, grow up calling any type of minivan a Big Mormon Wagon. Hence, BMW.

So, here I am with two kiddos of my very own and am contimplating getting a minivan. Husby's been a proponent of the minivan for a while now. They get good gas mileage. They are cheaper than an SUV. They insure for less. They have all-wheel-drive which is awesome for our "non-existent snow" (that's too long for this post, more later). When I still couldn't be swayed, Husby even tried the Swagger Wagon appeal by showing me this ad:  Although funny, it didn't convince me.

What has finally convinced me to possibly moving to a BMW? Lack of space. In my sedan, the kids are just too close for comfort. I don't mean to each other. I mean to me. I can hear them all too clearly - baby babbles are cute, but the entire Star Wars theme song sung as a cat (Meow, meow, meow, meow meow meow meow meow) then as a dog, cow, and pig gets a bit trying after 15 minutes solid. Our seven-year-old belching his ABCs gets annoying and is even worse when you can smell what he ate for lunch after the song's conclusion. I can turn around and smack one of them singlehandedly (good for me, bad for them and is possibly not the safest driving strategy).  And when they vomit (yep, happened on Valentines Day on the way to swim lessons - yeah for a romantic evening!), I can even get sprayed with chunks of red-infused gellatenous gunk. Oh yeah.

So until we can afford a limo (or hey, even a taxi cab) that has one of those slide-up glass partitions, I guess a BMW will have to do.

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